
Got My New Shoes On And Suddenly Everything Is Right

Friday, July 29, 2011

I can tell that you’re going to get annoyed with me for the amount of posts I’m going to do about my film camera shots. But I will not apologise. I’m far to excited. This is like the thrill of getting a new pair of shoes (which I did, by the way) but it lasts about a million times longer. All I want now is to be able to develop them myself. I say ‘all I want’ like I don’t want anything else, but there is something I’m completely CRAVING. And that is Polaroid film. I bought my Polaroid camera about a year ago in, yes, you guessed it, a charity shop! Complete without any film at all, and they’d just stopped making it (idiots) so there was just a limited supply on ebay.
I read in the British Journal of Photography that they are making a new type/replacement or something, so...early birthday present, anyone?

Leaving all that behind us, lets move on.
<3 <3 <3
1. I have taken yet another adorable picture of Ella:

2. I have so far stayed true to my word on what I am now calling:
The Topshop Challenge

Below: Grey dress - Costes, shirt - Madame Butterfly
Wedges - Office
Heels - French Connection SALE

3. I went up to London for Nicole's birthday on Wednesday.
(I would have said 'down to London', but someone once told me that you always say 'up' to the capital. For some reason I remembered that..)
It became apparent that Nicole reads my blog obsessively when she began quoting what I had written back to me.
We had sushi (a lot of it) and then went to Cuban in Camden. Great music.



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