
Apple Markets, Tea Parties And The Birthdays Of Sharks

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Ah yes, you're thinking. Here they are: the now-all-too-regular dose of Zoe's film photos.
I would apologise for this becoming a very usual occurrence these days, but do you know what? I'm not sorry for this, because I'm yet to not be delighted. I have taken some weird and wonderful pictures with what I have recently discovered is a not particularly good film camera. However, for 11 quid I'm not complaining. And did I ever mention it was from a charity shop..?
Anyway, let's not go off on that tangent again. Here they are.
Remember when I went to London for the week, and met some lovely Dutch people who we showed round various areas of London? Here are some of the pictures from Covent Garden...
More Covent Garden...

Aram, the lovely dutch guy

Me looking rather terrifying in Aram's sunglasses

My friend, Sam's, geeeeetar

The studded boots of one of the Dutch girls. They really were very nice. I mean the girls; but the shoes too!

Now let's board the Oxford Tube - truly one of the best inventions of vehicular variety I have seen in a while - and return home.
A vain shot in the never ending mirrors in Miss Selfridge. I love mirrors in mirrors in mirrors in mirrors in mirrors...

One shot from a walk in Shotover woods

Cheeky Malibu. I love the bottle

And of course, we had our one-and-a-half-yearly tea party. These are the name labels.

Mmm pastry...

Mmm, tarts...

Mmm, savoury muffins...

Mmm, filo parcels...

Ella, the domestic goddess, works her magic yet again in the kitchen

There is a road in Headington, where I live, called Shark Street, so named by the bloody massive shark sticking out of one of the buildings. The road is actually called New High Street, but who would call it that over Shark Street, because let's face it, sharks are awesome. Anyway, when I returned home from London last week, I noticed a street party bopping away, as they do, outside the shark's house (which I believe is now uninhabitable due to roof leakages - should have thought that one through before you stuck your head in the house, shouldn't you, mr?) and on further enquiry, managed to deduce it was the shark's 25th birthday.
Happy belated birthday Shark!

Apologies for all the photos! Oops...
Much Love


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